So... our 4th of July week was quite eventful and so fun!! Friday evening Shelby flew up here! Chad was taking Denise to the airport to go to visit her family anyway so he picked her up and brought her to our house. She stayed with us for a week to hang out with us and to go to a Basketball Camp at BYU. It was so fun to have her! She and Heath are just like siblings... they tease each other constantly but they like each other, I know it. :) Heath took off work that Saturday so we could spend it all together. I went and swam with the Dabling kids in the morning (which was way fun!) and then brought Kneaders French Toast home for breakfast. We had fun just lazying around the house in the morning and then headed to campus to play some sports! Heath was Shelby's personal post coach for the week and we spent a lot of time in the gym with him helping her with things she can work on as the post. It was fun! And fun to just sit back and watch them work together too. :) Shelby's a good ball player! And Heath is too... :)
They were so fast most of my pictures turned out blurry. ;) |
Ready to go... |
Trying to take him on the drive |
Score! :) |
After basketball we went outside and played tennis. The first match we played Shelby and I vs. Heath. He won... we need to work on our doubles strategy together. :) It was really hot but it was way fun! The second match I let the two studs play against each other. Shelbs gave Heath a run for his money... it was a good game! Fun to watch for sure! And good for me to watch them to try and learn from their skills!
After we had a fun day of sports playing we got cleaned up and met up with Rhonda, Chad, Harrison, and Austin at Sizzler for dinner. Rhonda treated us all - so nice of her! It was fun to see them all too. We had a yummy and fun dinner chatting and enjoying some good food!
From dinner we headed back to our house and hung out for a while and then headed to the Stadium of Fire. The parking was crazy so we just walked from our house, which was a good idea. We were all in our Red, White, and Blue ready to celebrate the Fourth! :) They had dancers and music to celebrate, a talent competition, a sweet flyover with the captain on the screen talking to us, a message from Jimmer and some BYU sports lovin', concerts by David Archuleta and Brad Paisley (he sang "Waiting on a Woman" - Heath was happy, that describes our life :) he also sang "water" - we were joking about him not singing any drinking songs and Chad added "Here in Provo we don't want beer, we just want water!" ha it was great!), and then a firework show - which was AMAZING!! The best I've ever seen! It was so much fun!!
Dancers - they made the Liberty Bell and Statue of Liberty too - pretty cool! |
Flyover - Heath loves those!! |
Fireworks during the National Anthem during "And the rocket's red glare, the bombs bursting in air..." Gave me chills! |
We love our sunglasses, each other, and stadium of fire! :) |
Shelbs enjoying her frozen lemonade and Chad texting his wifey! |
Above: Chad singing some David for his wife! Heath isn't a David fan... :)
Fireworks! We got some good pictures and great videos too! |
Leaving... there were LOTS of people! |
Monday Heath had to work :( but Chad, Shelby, and I went to the Provo parade. It was pretty fun! We had a good spot (until someone put up a huge umbrella in front of us half way through the parade) and then we walked around and watched and then had some yummy lunch at a BBQ place. It was a fun morning!
Yay parade! |
Heath LOVES Star Wars (NOT! ha)... so I took this one for him! |
I love my lil sis! |
Missionaries!! We came to the conclusion that these were Provo missionaries not those in the MTC... but we still looked for Kyle just in case! |
Aw.. siblings! Just missing one.. Go Elder Harrison! |
Aw... cowboys remind me of my hubby! :) |
That night we had a family BBQ at JT and Sara's it was all of the Wisers and Harrison/Wests except Kyle and Denise. :( We had a fun night though! We ate and then the boys played football as us girls sat and chatted. Then we ended it with a few of our own fireworks and taking some videos/recordings for Kyle!
Seeing if we could spell words with our sparklers... got the K |
Then got the YLE but missed the K |
Looking like Kyle.. |
Woo hoo.. good job team! |
One more for good measure. |
Our little firework |
Our big fireworks |
We enjoyed the rest of the week with Shelby visiting us! And Grandma and Mom came the last few days and we had fun with them here too! I love my family! I'm so thankful for the freedoms we have in this country and for all those that continue to defend it! Since my travels to other countries... which I really enjoy... I'm incredibly grateful for this one. God Bless America!